About Wall Decor's Disney Collection
      Welcome to About Wall Decor's Disney Collection.  As you will observe we offer hundreds of wall decals and murals from nearly 20 of Disney's character lineup and movies.  You are assured you will discover something for any girl's, boy's or infants rooms from this collection and all of these products are digitally produced on removable and reusable 4 mil vinyl, which is intended for use in any interior environment with smooth, flat, painted surfaces.  All of our decals are also water resistant and are safe for children.  So, call your kids in and take your time in browsing our collection to locate that special wall decor piece for their bedroom.   Have questions?  Feel free to contact any of our wall decor experts from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST using our toll free number, (877) 900-4647, option 2, or by sending us an email at customerservice@aboutwalldecor.com.

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